We would like to inform some helpful information that may help you to completely enjoy relaxing moment at Rosey Spa Hoi An.
Spa hours: 09.00 am- 10:00 pm
You should make a reservation so that we can have a careful preparation to offer a perfect service. Your booking can made directly or through telephone or website. Moreover coming before your treatment in about 15 minutes is advised. You will be consulted the most suitable treatment or package.
If you would like to chance or cancel your booking, please contact us.
Bath-robe, sippers, hour cap, bath towel are always served in our Rosey Spa Hoi An.
There are wardrobes inside massage room where you can put your clothes, handbag, and your property.
Please lock it and always take your keys with you.
Payment method
Asking your doctor before enjoying your treatment in our SPA is advised if you are suffering from high blood pressure, heart’s disease…
Moreover. please follow our therapist’s instruction to ease yourself when enjoying our treatment at Rosey Spa Hoi An.
We are always with you to listen to you just with a desire of offering the most perfect and wonderful SPA. We do hope of receiving your comments for Rosey Spa Hoi An about: temperature, music, light, fragrance, service-in order to improve our Spa and our service
Your pleasure after each SPA at Rosey Spa Hoi An in our happiness.